Friday, October 28, 2005

Why use an executive coach?

The days that using an executive coach was seen as an unfair advantage are far behind us. Somehow, providing human support to an executive was seen as unfair, while providing technical or IT support was not. Another criticism was that it cost money: it were the higher up people in a company, the ones with bigger budgets that could afford to “share” their responsibilities with someone else.

Today, not only do we know that all the 'big people' have their own coaches, mentors, 'gurus', counsellors or wise person, we also came to understand that coaching is not an expense, in fact it yields.

As from our findings, almost no other investment your company can make may bring as high a return as getting engagement from your human capital.

Benefits of using executive coaching

In our coaching practice defining outcome measures and periodic measurement are standard ‘procedure’. The types of bottom line results that can be achieved through coaching are varied and numerous. For the organisation headed by the executive (be it the entire company or a division or department) we found:

v increase of productivity

v increase of net profits

v reduced absenteeism and employee turnover

v increase of turnover through both existing and newly developed products/services

v increase of market share and competitiveness

Less tangible benefits and benefits on the individual and personal level,as well for the executive in question as for his/her collaborators include:

v increase of employee morale, and employee commitment

v newly acquired skills and abilities

v new career steps and career fast tracking

v improved communication lines and two-way feed back

v enhanced corporate image

v managers getting head hunted for skills and achievements acquired through coaching

Setting of executive coaching

Executive coaching sets a scene and rolls out a ‘program’ to:

  • provide a confidential and supportive environment fostering self-knowledge and self-development
  • develop awareness of and insight in co-workers’ behaviour and motivational processes for greater success
  • understand coachee’s own drives and behavioural patterns affecting decision-making, ensuring that these are adequately aligned to business as well as personal goals
  • challenge thinking and problem-solving focusing causal relationships and stretching goal-setting.
  • develop learning and communication style, ensuring clear and effective communication.
  • provide a high value resource for organisations that are serious about building hgh performance teams
  • identify and address obstacles to achieving business or personal objectives
  • make your employees aware of how customers (internal as well as external) view your organisation and help your employees to develop attitudes creating positive customer experiences
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